Friday 25 October 2013

Between two towns

I once tweeted that there should be highway directly between PE and EL. Mostly because I'm sure I've spent a good 30% of my life over the past 6 years on the roads between it.  Have met and gotten to know some of the best people. Strange and really good thing to interact with people you hardly would have made an effort to have spent with outside of normal social activities. And spend the best QT with most of dearests. Here are some of my highlights:
·         Realising the value of a wheel spanner
·         Delaying the usual 3 and half hour trip by hours for those bladder bursting moments caused by boozing on the road
·         Appreciating the hands that bake Beaver’s lamb and mint pies
·         Bribing a cop
·         Witnessing the shortness of life through passing accidents
·         Meeting a guy, in his mid 30’s who climbed kilimanjaro or mount Ev, not sure but saw the pic’s to prove it.
·         Party on wheels - Celebrating someone’s life we were on our way to say goodbye to.
·         Being reminded of the 10 commandments by a devoted farmer somewhere in between PA and Alexandria
·         Falling over and over inlove with Daryn
·         Never-ceasing excitement as we approach the “sout-panne”
·         Witnessing a born and bred Joburger’s amazement of the lush green hills and valleys
I could probably go on forever but the best part of chilling on the backseat, front seat, bus, still gathering the courage to get into the driver’s seat is gaining perspective.

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